Margalla Communications is an independent marketing consulting and analysis firm that focuses on critical issues in the server and storage networking markets. Margalla Communications analyzes the technologies, products, vendors, applications, and market trends in the server and storage networking markets by publishing articles, white papers, and industry reports, producing seminars, and providing related strategic and technical marketing consulting services.
Topic Coverage:
- Server
- Storage Networking
Contact Information:
1339 Portola Road
Woodside, CA 94062
Email: saqibj@margallacomm.com
URL: https://www.margallacomm.com/
Courtesy of the Techra Analyst Firm Directory – www.techra.com

Manhattan Research, LLC, a Decision Resources, Inc. company, is a pharmaceutical and healthcare market research and services firm that helps healthcare and life sciences organizations adapt, prosper and explore opportunities in the networked economy. We focus on the intersection of digital technology and healthcare business trends, and we seek to understand the forces that will impact the competitive landscape for our clients.
Year Founded: 2002
Topic Coverage:
- Pharmaceuticals
- Healthcare
- Life Sciences
Contact Information:
Manhattan Research
27 West 24th Street
New York, New York 10010
T: +
Email: info@manhattanresearch.com
URL: https://manhattanresearch.com/
Courtesy of the Techra Analyst Firm Directory – www.techra.com

Madison Advisors provides thought leadership, strategic consulting, and market research to clients in the customer communications management (CCM), electronic delivery, and print industries. Madison Advisors’ industry-neutral expertise enables end-user organizations, service providers, and vendors to achieve their strategic objectives around transactional customer communications and publishing services.
Year Founded: 2001
Topic Coverage:
- Customer communications management (CCM)
- Electronic delivery
- Print
Contact Information:
PO Box 369
Colleyville, Texas, 76034
T: +1 817.684.7545
F: +1 817.684.7544
Email: info@madison-advisors.com
URL: https://www.madison-advisors.com/
Courtesy of the Techra Analyst Firm Directory – www.techra.com

Lippis Enterprises, Inc. works with entrepreneurs evaluating new business opportunities in enterprise networking and serves as an independent investor and advisor.
Topic Coverage:
Contact Information:
Uses form: https://lippisreport.com/contact/
URL: https://lippisreport.com/
Courtesy of the Techra Analyst Firm Directory – www.techra.com

LightCounting is a market research company focused on the in-depth study of high speed interconnects for the datacom, telecom, and consumer communications markets. Our research covers the whole supply chain from optical and semiconductor components, to modules and sub-systems and their application in telecom and datacom systems.
Year Founded: 2005
Topic Coverage:
- High-Speed Interconnects
- Datacom
- Telcommunications
Contact Information:
858 West Park Street
Eugene, OR 97401
T: +1 408.962.4851
Email: info@lightcounting.com
URL: https://www.lightcounting.com/
Courtesy of the Techra Analyst Firm Directory – www.techra.com

KLAS helps healthcare providers make informed technology decisions by reporting accurate, honest, and impartial vendor performance data.
Topic Coverage:
- Heatlhcare Technology
- Healthcare software
- Healthcare Service Firms
- Medical Equipment
Contact Information:
630 E. Technology Avenue
Orem, UT 84097
T: 800-920-4109
F: 866-786-7795
Email: Uses form: https://www.klasresearch.com/Feedback/?type=general
URL: https://www.klasresearch.com/
Courtesy of the Techra Analyst Firm Directory – www.techra.com
Kemsley Design
cat·a·lyst, n., An agent that stimulates or precipitates a reaction, development, or change |
Kemsley Design is a one-person consultancy and independent analyst firm providing services for the strategy, architecture and design of business technologies, including business process management (BPM), service-oriented architecture (SOA), enterprise content management (ECM), business rules management (BRM), business intelligence and enterprise social software.
Topic Coverage:
- Business Process Management (BPM)
- Service Oriented Architechture (SOA)
- Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
- Business Rules Management (BRM)
- Business Intelligence (BI)
- Enterprise Social Software
Contact Information:
Email: sandy@kemsleydesign.com
URL: https://www.kemsleydesign.com/
Courtesy of the Techra Analyst Firm Directory – www.techra.com

K2 Advisory is a Sift Media analyst house that was established in 2009.
In 2010, K2 Advisory launched its members-only CIO Research Forum, a resource for CIOs, their senior colleagues, and their suppliers. It is a source of independent research and advice, analyst interaction and face-to-face networking for buyers and suppliers. The strength of the Forum comes from its research community of UK CIOs that contribute to the K2 Advisory independent research programme.
Topic Coverage:
Contact Information:
6th Floor, Bridge House
48-52 Baldwin Street
Bristol BS1 1QB
United Kingdom (UK)
T: +44 (0)117 915 3344
F: +44 (0)117 915 9630
Email: Uses form: https://www.k2advisory.com/contact
URL: https://www.k2advisory.com/
Courtesy of the Techra Analyst Firm Directory – www.techra.com

J Arnold & Associates is an independent industry analyst and marketing consultancy with a focus on IP communications. Our core expertise is VoIP, enterprise IP telephony, IPTV, cable telephony, peer-to-peer, carrier infrastructure, Web 2.0, Open Source, VoIP Security, VoIP Peering and WiFi/WiMax. We deliver insight and intelligence with integrity.
Topic Coverage:
- IP communications
- VoIP
- Enterprise IP telephony
- Cable telephony
- Peer to Peer
- Carrier Infrastucture
- Web 2.0
- Open Source
- VoIP security
- VoIP peerings
- WiFi / WiMax
Contact Information:
J Arnold & Associates
3266 Yonge Street, Suite 1716
Toronto, Ontario M4N 3P6
Email: jon@jarnoldassociates.com
URL: https://www.jarnoldassociates.com/
Courtesy of the Techra Analyst Firm Directory – www.techra.com

Intermedium specialises in Australian government and public sector information and communication technology (ICT) research. We provide our ICT research services to both industry and government.
Topic Coverage:
- Australian government
- ICT research
Contact Information:
Level 1, 221 Miller Street
North Sydney NSW 2060
T: (02) 9955 9896
F: (02) 9955 9895
Email: Uses form: https://www.intermedium.com.au/contact
URL: https://www.intermedium.com.au/
Courtesy of the Techra Analyst Firm Directory – www.techra.com